SuperNova Energetics

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New Moon in Gemini - 5/30/22

New Moon in Gemini
May 30
1:30AM HST | 4:30AM PST
Learning. Sharing. Evolving with & through community.

Let us Remember the Importance of every New Moon:

*The beginning of a new moon cycle (begins every approximately every 29.5 days)
*New Beginnings, New Intentions & Goals, New Plans or evolution of our plans
*Depending on the alignments, it could feel like a complete Rebirth
*Moon/Sun are aligned, sharing the same astrology sign - powerful energy
*Supports emotional balance
*May be more of an introverted time, honor your needs to go within and get your heart/mind clear
*Encourages us to have faith as we move forward in the dark; plant new seeds even though we may not have any idea of how they will grow.

New Moon in Gemini Energy Aspects:

*Ground your emotions to allow clarity of mind.

*Awareness on how you connect, communication and co-create with the world around you.

*A divine time for learning, integrating and expanding.

*Learning and Evolving - through open communication, connection and co-creation with others

*Child-like perspectives - See the world with fresh eyes, genuine curiosity.

*Community involvement - has the potential for birthing new ways of commerce and expansion for financial prosperity for both you and the community.

*Utilizing past healing and lessons - to integrate and apply to new approaches to relationships, partnerships and projects.

*Integrating the shadow to be Whole and apply this unified wisdom toward your evolution.

*Patience within taking action with your New Moon plans; still in Mercury Retrograde; Reassess, Review and adjust where needed before moving forward.


We have been on quite the collective journey of seeing, feeling and learning the language of our emotions this year…well, really it’s been the last couple years specifically. Emotional intelligence is the occult (hidden/unseen) language of the human body experience, and it really has only been hidden because we were taught/demanded to hide it. Emotion was seen as a weakness, but this is only because they were feared by the many that couldn’t control them and didn’t understand how to utilize them as a tool.

So emotions were left to fester in the shadows, causing excessive overlapping distortions in our personal and collective realities to a point of no return. The only way through and out of this collective state of compulsive and temperamental reactive behaviors is to learn to

*Bring awareness to the emotions/feelings
*Ground the emotions/feelings
*Ask ourselves where/what the emotions/feelings are rooted in
*Ask ourselves what changes/actions need to take place to express and use this emotional message in a constructive way

It is only when we have learned to ground the emotional wave through our body, rather than holding it in and creating chaos within, that we can truly tap into the Gemini Gifts of natural intelligence and wisdom flowing through the mental body.

SOME INSIGHT: If you experience anxiety often, chances are you are having excessive thoughts about something, are harboring ungrounded/unexpressed emotion about these thoughts and are in fear of something which is creating static/illusive experiences in your mental body.

SO, this is a time for GROUNDING your energy in whatever ways work for you - Nature, feet in the mud, sitting under or in a tree, deep breathing, energy healing, crystals, etc., so that you can think more clearly and truly tap into the supportive energies of this New Moon!

This is also a time to work on and improve your COMMUNICATION skills. Sometimes this requires developing new ways/approaches to help you and others feel safer and more received/heard when communicating with each other. Do your best to bring awareness to the energy you are operating from - is it safe? calming? open? inviting? Are you truly listening? - and adjust where you need.

There is so much we can learn from each other if we are allowed to fully share and fully receive each other, our perspectives and our gifts. Gemini energy invites you to be childlike with a curious heart/mind, and be open to explore other people’s ways, their whys, their messages, their talents and see where you might align, as well as, where you might be able to support.

Getting involved with community to share, explore, learn and grow can prove to be quite fruitful in fulfilling the needs of your heart, as well as, providing new possible pathways for commerce. This may or may not include new opportunities for co-creation, collaboration and/or finding ways to connect all your gifts/talents/offerings to support a larger mission.

SO MANY of us have been feeling this existential “loneliness”. I truly feel that we are entering a time where we can override that loneliness with purposeful connection, but this takes your participation and willingness to invite - and Will - your Self into new environments, new groups, new experiences to initiate that connection.

You have accomplished so much in your Self-healing journey thus far.
You deserve to be connected with others that you feel a true resonance with.
You deserve to share time and space with others where you can inspire each other, support each others dreams/skills/gifts and grow along side of each other.
You deserve to feel fully accepted, no longer needing to hide those shadow parts that we were once made to believe were bad, evil, scary or ‘not’ a part of us or society.
You deserve to live a life that feels purposeful and soul fulfilling!
You deserve to BE WHOLE, to be your truest Self and to create a life that feels right to You.

This is a time of new beginnings. The foundations of our shared reality are shifting drastically….this is what so many of us have been calling for. Now it’s up to us to ground in and be willing to show up to learn what you need to learn, adjust and adapt where needed and allow your Self to see this time as a phenomenal opportunity to change you and your life experience for one of Greatness!

Remembering that Mercury is Retrograde a little longer, so it’s a better choice to ease your way into any new changes. There’s no rush. All will continue moving and realigning in divine timing. Be present with your breath and trust in your universal flow.

Happy Humaning! I Love You.

CRYSTALS to Enhance Your New Moon in Gemini Experience:
Agate (Blue Lace specifically)
Rutilated Quartz / Rutile

Check out this DIY New Moon Ritual Guide

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