What if fear wasn’t a thing? What if we didn’t have to jump through so many broken systems to create our dreams? What if more people got along and helped each other? What if life could be fun All the time? What if you had all the time, money and space to do/create/be whatever your heart felt called to?
Map it out, Draw it out, Plan it out. Shake off the restrictive, fear-based muck that has been in our way for long enough, and Let Your Self Dream!
Whether you’re joining us to share some of your visions, dreams and aspirations or to simply listen in and be inspired, our intention is to lift up each others hopes, visions and vibrations for this next phase of our elevated human experience as we move from 3D to 5D this winter solstice!
Tara Lavery and SuperNova Sarah will provide a short guided meditation for relieving any tension, stress or fear and inviting in clarity of mind and heart. (There will be no sound meditation at this gathering)
We will open up space for us to share ideas, dreams and visions of the realities we are aligning to create moving forward.
For more info on the meaning of this gathering, go Here.
Click HERE @ 10:55-11am to Join on Sunday, 12/20
Meeting ID: 381 311 1161
Passcode: elev8
Any questions or concerns, email me!
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Meeting ID: 381 311 1161
Passcode: 460697
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