Although sound and vibrational therapies can be beneficial for everyone, it’s important to enter these meditations feeling informed and prepared.

Please browse the following if you have any of the following conditions:
*Sensitivity to Sound
*Seizure Disorders
*Hearing Aids
*Schizophrenia, extreme case of Psychosis or PTSD

Contact Sarah with any questions to help ease your heart/mind about joining us.

Sensitive to Sound

If you are SENSITIVE TO SOUND in any way but still feel called to join, bringing ear plugs in case you need them is highly suggested.


TINNITUS affects each person differently, therefore, while most people with tinnitus have no adverse reactions to the sounds of the instruments, some may experience a heightened or overwhelming affect with certain sound frequencies. If you have tinnitus and want to attend, it is suggested to arrive early and let the facilitator know so we can test the best place in the room for your comfort. Having ear plugs on hand can be of support.

Hearing Aids

If you have HEARING AIDS, you may want test them with the sound before class begins to decide whether it feels better to have them on, turned down or off during the experience. Even those that are unable to hear with their ears have extraordinary experiences by being immersed in and feeling the vibracoustic sounds through their body.

Seizure Disorders

Anyone with a SEIZURE DISORDER is absolutely welcome, however, they should attend sound therapy classes with caution. In my 10+ years, I’ve had a few participants with seizure disorders. One person felt more comfortable and at ease by positioning themself farther away from the instruments, while the others weren’t bothered at all.

Some sounds can feel overstimulating or triggering for some, which is why we put this awareness out there for you. Let the facilitator know if you have this condition before class begins so they can support you in finding the best location to support your needs. Having ear plugs on hand can be of support.

Mental Health Challenges

*Any of these meditation practices can be beneficial for those with mental health challenges, however, it is important that the facilitator is made aware of any severe conditions so the class can be tailored to the needs of the attendees. If the condition is severe, having a discussion with the facilitator beforehand can help determine whether a group session is suitable or if a private session tailored to your specific needs would be more appropriate.

If you ever feel unsettled, confused or need support in any way to discuss or work through what has surfaced for You, please reach out to the facilitator, your therapist, or you can always contact White Flag App / @whiteflagapp which offers free and anonymous help.

Reach out to Sarah with any questions or concerns.