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New Moon Sound Journey - 6 Gongs!

New Moon Sound Journey
with SuperNova Sarah & Lucie Lynch

Saturday, January 21st
Haleiwa Town, Oahu
(Location will be given with RSVP)

TO RSVP: Scroll to “CLAIM MY SPACE” button

For those that saw this event listing with David Heiss, he had an emergency and had to fly home to the mainland! (He’s okay!)

And literally within minutes of me canceling, my Divine Sistar, Lucie Lynch contacted me and said she will be on island to join me! YAY!

So the journey continues! We hope you can join us!

2 Sound Alchemists + 6 Gongs, the cosmic sistars, Lucie & Sarah return to share their collaborative soundscapes, bringing you a deep immersion into the sounds of the cosmos on the North Shore of Oahu!

This is the first New Moon of 2023, and it brings with it phenomenal empowering energies to support you in building your dreams this year. New Moons require a bit of a pause to go within and get clear on your next steps.

The moon will be in the sign of Aquarius, gifting us with the urges and motivation to create more freedom, liberation and blessing us with the access to the innovative intelligence, expansion of the mind, and guidance from the ancestors that we need to truly build the new.

Aquarius energy also guides you to and encourages connection with your Soul Tribe. Utilizing these strong relations to work together, support each others missions and come up with the tools, skills and solutions you may have been looking for.

All in all, this is a divine time for positive change. May the sacred sounds help you to see through and overcome any fears that may be standing in your way, and upgrade your energy to align with that higher vibrational life you’ve been ready for!

➡️ Aim to Arrive between 5:15-5:45pm for parking and settling in!

- Park, get settled in & enjoy the Oracle Cards, Essential Oils & Crystals. Crystals, Journals & Eye Masks available for sale.
6pm - Introduction, New Moon Energy Insights & guidance on how you can utilize this evening to your advantage
6:30-7:50 - Intention setting + Sound Journey
7:50-8 - Closing Ceremony

👁️ Please Note:
1) Tickets are purchased through my website for this event. See link below
2) Directions are now being EMAILED to you.
3) Will be in Indoors 🤍
4) There are a few stairs to get into building. No elevator.

(pricing now Includes tax)

***DISCOUNT CODES for Sliding Scale Options***
$44 -
Receive Reiki infused Crystal at event. No code needed.
$33 -
Use Code: NM33
$22 -
Use Code: NM22
(Use at checkout)

Sliding scale options exist for you to choose whatever amount you can afford at this time. No judgment. If you feel called to be there but money is tight, please contact me. We will figure something out!

More Info:
Lucie Lynch: a world renowned Singer-Songwriter, Vocal Artist, Sound Healer, and Playwright with an angelic voice and wry sense of humor.  Her sound skills are diverse, unique and will take you on a journey to the divine love within! She offers an array of services from concerts, weddings, vocal lessons, sound healing and more.

Sarah Daigle aka SuperNova Sarah is a notable Oahu Resident Sound Alchemist, Energy Worker and Soul Guide. Sarah offers public and private sound therapy work, one-on-one energy balancing and upgrade sessions, helps people discover and align with their special gifts (Soul Guidance), and assists her clients in facing and moving through the shadow realms working to overcome anxiety, stress, depression and trauma.

Cancellation Policy:
No refunds for Cancellations within 24 hours.
Cancellations are subject to small transaction fee.
Emergencies will be considered for refund - text or email me. (You may gift your space to someone else, just communicate w/me. Mahalo for your understanding.)

💜 Sarah & Lucie

Earlier Event: January 19
Just Savasana - Sound Meditation
Later Event: January 26
Just Savasana - Sound Meditation