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Full Moon Sound Alchemy Journey

Full Moon Sound Alchemy Journey
with SuperNova Sarah 🔮


@ Lotus Loft
in Kawela Bay / N. Shore, Oahu
*Private location. RSVP Required.

This will most likely be the last Full Moon Sound Journey I share with you before I move to the mainland! I’ll see you there!

This Full Moon in Scorpio is bringing forth high levels of passion and creativity with an intense mission to bring about change in a multitude of ways. Technological advances are flowing through at light speed, our relationships with others are changing drastically as our relationship with ourselves continues to evolve, the Earth is shifting in unsettled ways.

The only way to truly ground into this beautiful chaos is to be open to learning and download new levels of emotional awareness, emotional regulation and emotional fuel.

Our emotional bodies have SO much intelligence, guidance and support they are willing to offer us if we would only stop resisting and learn their language. You can see how the majority are ‘caught up’ in their emotions, reacting unconsciously to life, and causing and feeding the chaos, when they could actually be using these emotions and feelings to create positive change, new systems, new connections, new relationships, new careers…the new Earth.

This full moon will only intensify these emotions, so it is up to us to engage in practices that help us to ground our energy, bring ease to our nervous systems and invite in the clarity we need to proceed forward in an empowered way. May the sacred sound support you with all that and more!

➡️ Aim to Arrive between 5:30-5:45pm for parking and settling in!

- Park, get settled in & enjoy the Oracle Cards, Essential Oils & Crystals. Crystals, Journals & Eye Masks available for sale.
6pm - Intro + Intentions
6:20 - Sound Journey Ceremony
7:40 - Closing Ceremony

👁️ Please Note:
1) Tickets are purchased through my website for this event. See link below
2) Directions are now being EMAILED to you.
3) Will be in Indoor temple but open air 🤍
4) This is upstairs. No elevator.

(pricing now Includes tax)

Thank you for your contribution to my big move!

***DISCOUNT CODES for Sliding Scale Options***
$36 -
Receive Reiki infused Crystal at event. No code needed.
$31 -
Use Code: FM31
$26 -
Use Code: FM26
(Use at checkout)

Crypto accepted (no tax): contact me if this is your choice!

*If for some reason you need a different payment method, contact me.

Cancellation Policy:
No refunds for Cancellations within 24 hours.
Cancellations are subject to small transaction fee.
Emergencies will be considered for refund - text or email me. (You may gift your space to someone else, just communicate w/me. Mahalo for your understanding.)

💜 Sarah