Mercury Retrograde Clarity & Healing

This Mercury Retrograde is in the sign of Virgo offering us empowered self-healing energy, clarity and purification of our heart, body and mind from old patterns, wounds or emotions that are ready for resolve.

Mercury rules Communications - that could have to do with technology, communication with self and others and so on.

When it goes retro, we may
* experience annoying and sometimes destructive technology glitches, mishaps, errors and so on,
* experience some uprisings and disagreements with other people due to lack of or miscommunications,
* have some confusion or frustrations come up within ourselves.

BUT it also offers us the opportunity to see what is weighing us down in life. This one specifically bringing focus to what is weighing us down or holding us back in both our heart and mind. I shared a little on my YouTube about this (1 min. video).

So, what do we do to prepare and support ourselves for Mercury Retrograde?
SLOW DOWN. Ground your energy and mind, think things through clearly, ask ALL the questions needed to find true clarity, and move forward with conscious awareness of possible shifts or things that might need your attention.

2) Non-Force. This is about fluidity, adaptability, learning, growing, releasing, healing, flow. If you find yourself trying to force or control things that cannot be controlled, you will most likely find yourself struggling.

3) Awareness. Give notice to any big challenges or patterns that have been coming up the last couple weeks (and this week). Ask yourself what the true challenge is…needing clarity? requiring better communication? needing more honesty? letting go of expectations? letting go of control? needing to slow down? etc. THIS will most likely be the present challenge needing your attention during the next three-four weeks or until you learn the lesson and create resolve.

4) Triple check any plans, contracts, agreements to be sure you are clear on what you are agreeing to AND that the person/technology on the other end is in on board with what you are planning or agreeing to.

5) Some say to avoid making any big life changes, travel, or important agreements during this time. Tune in to see if this ‘thing’ truly ‘needs’ to be done now. If no, let it go until after September 3rd. If yes, go back to #s 1 & 3 and be sure you are paying attention to details!

Mercury leaves retrograde status on August 28th, however, there is always the dark phase about one week before and after the retrograde period where things are still readjusting. So I say we are in the clear about September 4th.

Slow down and use this time to your advantage!