New Moon in Libra - 10/16/20


New Moon in Libra aspects: “Be in the world, not of it.”

Libra - Air - Mind - Heart
*Bridge between higher & lower mind
*light & dark forces are in balance
*Be willing to see all sides without attachment
*Weigh your values through the light of your Soul
*Compassion for the human condition
*Protector & Justice & Equality
*Abstract dreaming
*Codes of Intelligence

This is most likely one of the most potent New Moon experiences we will move through this 2020. And yes, we Will move through it. Even though there are a Lot of tough aspects, challenging moments and overwhelming energies, we have the potential and the opportunity to grow in such miraculous ways. And when I say miraculous, I truly mean it!

When both the Sun and Moon enter the Libra mansion (New Moon), we are immersed into the depths of our Truth. Our Souls are yearning for equality, justice, balance and freedom. Everything we have been going through individually and collectively has been leading us up to these very potent transformational times. We are bringing light to the darkness by bringing darkness into light. 

This year, this lifetime, has taken extreme courage and willpower as we transcend the fears of the mind into the truth of Love. Don’t. Don’t turn away now. Stand strong. Cry and scream if you have to, but keep standing. Keep swimming. Continue Breathing. Keep going. 

As a collective, we have reached the threshold, and the only way is through it. This is the pressure you are feeling. Just like a baby feeling the extreme pressure and push as they pass through the portal of the wombman into the Earth reality. We are evolving as a species, being birthed into a new reality….which is far from comfortable and can be quite terrifying since everything we have known seems to be disappearing. But I promise, it’s only disappearing to make way for the new layers of experience. 

There is Always so much more to any given situation than we could ever see or comprehend. There is so much hidden. Yet so much being revealed as the veils of the darkness are being brought to light. If you look around, you can See it. See all the hate, all the conflict, all those that choose materialism over compassion, the disrespect so many show to themselves and the planet. We have been immersed in a sea of darkness and confusion for a very long time.

But to me, this may have been very necessary. We are experiencing a Universe with Polarity. As a collective we are seeing the extreme polarity of hate and greed, which in this case, allowed us to understand more clearly what that deep yearning for love, connection, peace and compassion truly means. 

Libra frequencies allow us to be more open to Seeing and Knowing the Truth. Ruled by the planet Venus - How We Love, it also brings us to REALizing that it is time for Love, Care and true Connection is to take its rightful place within the collective, and we do this by opening ourselves to the Actualization of the ACTivation within our Self. 

Libra allows us expansion of the mind field, access to clarity, access to the ‘higher’ intelligence that can and will stay with us if we are willing to practice seeing things as they are, free from attachment, and utilizing tools such as meditation, contemplation and critical thinking / critical feeling to develop a stronger inner-guidance system. This inner guidance system will gift us the power to let go of needing someone else’s direction or rule.

Yes, Libra has the potential to open our hearts and ignite the frequency of Unconditional Love, compassion and care for all….however, this may be a time for many feeling like their hearts are literally breaking. And that’s because, well, it kind of is in a way. Our hearts are breaking free of scarcity, control, fear and lack of trust. These old barriers must break down to make way for the expansion and evolution of the heart chakra. Be With It. There is no need to try to escape it for this is what you have wanted. To be free. So call in your willpower and face it. Breath INTO it...the breath creates more space for the light to shine through. This too shall pass.

This is also a time of abstract Dreaming. If one could at least try to comprehend that our shared outside reality is but a collaboration of our inside realities, one would real-eyes that our outer reality is quite malleable. I mean, look at it. As we all crave freedom from suppression, our outer reality is crumbling...which is but a reflection of our inner constructs. With some inner and outer cleaning, some tweaks and a few upgrades, we have the choice to begin changing how we see the world, what we envision it transforming into and activate all the joy and freedom that we feel from these new Dreams. Then...we go out and live it. Step by step, we begin to weave our outer reality into that new inner vision that feels so...Right.

We are in Divine times my brothers and sisters. We were born for this! 

I Love You,

SuperNova Sarah