Full Moon & Partial Eclipse in Gemini - 11/29/20
We are currently entering the next Eclipse Season which is always an extremely powerful time (2x year) of extreme change.
In my findings, studies and experiences, Eclipses are considered “great resets” where energetically they allow a person and/or an entire civilization to shift to a different timeline.
In my perspective, this time around we are seeing many timelines coming together, merging, crossing over each other, which is one of the main reasons why we see so many weird things happening across the globe that don’t seem to make sense. In all honesty, I feel all of these conflicting behaviors and ways we are witnessing and experiencing are correct in their own timeline, but trying to process them and align them all in a similar timeline flow just looks like a cluster fuck of craziness, where we are left feeling like we are in the twilight zone.
The Full Moon is a point in the lunar cycle where the veil is thinnest and is all about tapping into divine clarity to see things more clearly than we have in the previous weeks. It is also a time to let go and shed the layers that are no longer serving you, and / or just aren’t making enough sense to continue giving your energy to.
This Full Moon is in the sign of Gemini, which energetically rules all language, communication and the mind field. Here are some tips for this Full Moon and it’s alignment with other planets at this time:
*Observe all the pieces
*Speak your truth with compassion but certainty
*Change is constant
*See the opportunities
*Allow yourself to dream big
*Awareness of relationship with others & Self
*Consciously choose the most resonant vibration with your Soul
Gemini may rule the mind and offers us opportunities to see, think and comprehend things more clearly, however, it is up to You to create space, time and practice to create the environment in which this clarity can come through. Such as meditation, getting in nature, breathwork and divine contemplation.
Since we are entering the Eclipse season where the timelines are converging, there can be much confusion, but it is through conscious awareness and action that we can navigate our path confidently…or at least courageously!
It is within this calm space that we lock in to a heart-mind coherency and divine guidance and wisdom can magnetize to you. It is within this space that the static dissolves and you can see/feel/hear things much more clearly and become more confident about what is moving through you. It is within this clarity that we are able to make more conscious decisions that will help set us upon the path of truth according to our own Soul.
When we have a clearer mind, our communication tends to improve and expand all on it’s own. With practice, our communication can help to express ourselves in ways that we may have never experienced before. Allow this Gemini energy to help you align with the words that help bridge the gap between you and others.
Since we are still in a powerful time of diving deeper into relations with others and Self, this clarity and clearer communication can help to heal, repair and upgrade partnerships of all kinds…especially with Self.
There may be some extra tension with our relationships. A great perspective I like to align with is that each one of us is like our own compact and complex universe. There is SO much to uncover and discover about ourselves alone. Then throw another being into the mix and it is either a synergistic and joyful experience of two universes interacting and exploring together, or it can also feel like an cataclysmic experience leaving us feeling overwhelmed and confused. Sometimes this tension can be harmful, many times these challenging relationships can be useful in helping us to see where we can grow and evolve, but either way, authenticity and communication can save the day in helping to bring these relationships to the next level or part ways in the most compassionate way possible.
Another thing Gemini reminds us of is that with each new fact, new point of view and new experience, people, places, things and plans can change at any given moment. So again, being mindful of what is coming through, allowing one’s self to see all the pieces while respecting the absolute and only constant - change, we can make conscious choices to navigate our path through these changing times. And please honor and allow your Self to change your mind, change your perspective, change your course….Gemini reminds us that it’s truly okay to change.
It is a challenging time to make any definitive plans, considering so many big ass changes are coming through, BUT that should not stop us from allowing ourselves to dream BIG. What might it look like in our near future as we continue to fine tune our personal vibrations? What is your Soul urging you to give attention to? What lights you up? And what might that look like as you consciously choose a vibrational path that aligns you with such? And please remember, there is no real way of knowing exactly ‘how’ these types of dreams will come into manifestation, but the dreaming of the bigger picture and allowing yourself to feel it’s truth is what allows the ‘how’ to begin to take form and unfold with time!
I hope you utilize this time to really hone in on your personal gifts, your personal passions and gift your Self what he/she needs to continue to evolve into the vibration that which your Soul is reminding you of! Happy Full Moon!
Artist of Image above: Gemini by Saiyre on DeviantArt