Easy to Follow Manifestation Formula

Something important to realize is You are manifesting all the time whether you are aware of it or not. What we think and feel are the biggest components to manifestation, but this also entails what unconscious thoughts or feeling may be lingering beneath the surface in the unconscious mind from our past in this life, our past in other lives, as well as, our ancestral programming. So you very well may be manifesting things you actually do not actually want as well!

This is why mindfulness - awareness of the present moment and anything that comes to pass within the moment - is so very important. It gifts you the advantage of consciously choosing what to allow into that creation space.

There’s SO much more to the unconscious mind, and it usually requires some extra attention to deprogram the old thoughts, feelings, fears, beliefs, etc. that are running in loops in there to truly gain a real creator seat in your own life. However, engaging with mindfulness and awareness practices on a daily can improve your life game in tremendous ways.

By the way, we All have our own versions of our own personal programming based on our upbringings, surroundings, experiences, etc. It’s just what happens in the mind field, our brain patterning and our body memory. So, no stress. Lifting the veil to your own sub conscious can prove to be quite the journey, it’s not done overnight.

Anyways, one amazing way of using your present awareness to truly manifest what you Do want, is to use Intention Setting. It gives your mind, body and soul direction. However, if you set an intention simply in your mind and do not understand the full process of manifestation, it can be a bit challenging to reach your goals. I've analyzed my manifestation process is quite a bit over the years and came up with what I feel is a pretty decent equation to help you get it right. 

I'm actually glad this came up, because I needed this reminder as well! It's amazing how we can be our own guide and teacher sometimes! 

SuperNova's Manifestation Equation:
Vision/Idea + Intent/Feeling/Frequency + Trust + Action & Awareness - Expectation = Manifestation
Here’s an explanation of my equation:

Vision/Idea - Visualize or imagine what it is you are looking to create or attract into your life.

Intent - The feeling and intention are sort of interwoven. Getting clear with your intention/meaning behind the vision/idea and intentionally feeling it into existence.

Feeling - Feel what it will feel like once it happens, feel it as if it's here, now. Feel it in your heart, feel it is your body, feel it’s realness.

Frequency - Feelings are frequency, color is frequency, thought waves are frequencies. This intentional feeling/frequency reminds us that the vibration that which we are emanating our vision into existence upon will determine the vibrational form it will take.

Trust - Trust that you deserve this and that it is possible...even if you have no idea how or when it will take place. You don't have to know the how. That shows itself step by step as you engage with the next step...

Action & Awareness - It requires bringing awareness to what the first step might be and creating movement / participation in that direction. The rest of the steps will continue to unveil themselves as you go. It can help to make a 'plan of action', but it is also important to be fluid/flexible/adaptable to any changes that may arise.

Release Expectation - let go of how you think this should look or how it should come about. Sometimes it turns out exactly as you envisioned, but it's rare! The universe always has more to give than most of us could ever imagine, so if we allow the mystery in, it can always turn out even better than we could have ever planned!

= Manifestation - taking something metaphysical and channeling it into this physical reality, into form.

I hope you find this useful! I would love to hear about any additional insights You have, or how this formula may have inspired you!

Blessings Family.
