2 AmAzing Points of View to Enhance Your Quality of Life
Artist: Real Fun Wow
These are two very powerful points of view that can enhance your quality of life and how you choose to live it!
1. Transient Body
Acknowledge and Honor the mortality of our human body. It will last as long as it lasts and we really don't have an absolute say in what that time frame is. However, the quality of life it grants You is based on the quality of care and attention You offer it.
You would be choosing wisely to allow your temple/body to be your BEST friend in this lifetime. What a GIFT it is offering to You...to experience life as a human, with feeling, emotions, connection to nature, love.
To offer presence with your PRESENT of this mobile temple space and offer it proper choices of nutrition, exercise, nature time, conscious breath, play and human connection is to enhance the caliber of your experience.
If you unconsciously or consciously torture or disregard it as unimportant, it will reflect a similar vibrational experience to You with time.
2. Infinite Soul
To realize that our Soul is pure energy. Made of light and sound, Your Soul, that which is "You", does not 'die' with our physical temple. It carries on throughout the energetic universe.
So if one does not actually 'die', but simply moves into new form, death is nothing to fear. And if one Does fear death, chances are one is not living true to their Soul's calling.
You are highly encouraged to get on that and align with your Soul song. Your 'time' here may be limited in this exact form, but the injoyment You can experience by listening to the feelings and guidance within and without will be sure to help overcome fear of death, and instead, be grateful for the beautiful and unique experience You came here for.
Reclaim Your Mind. Activate Your Heart. Live.